State Certificate Examination

We are the only accredited centre in the UK for Polish State Certificate Exams

Preparation Courses

We are opening two online preparation courses for the B1 and B2 State Examination in June 

B1 Polish State Exam Preparation Course- two parts

B1 Preparation Course, Part 1: Thursday, 6 March, 7 - 8.30 pm,  8 weeks/12 hrs, £ 205  

B1 Preparation Course, Part 2: Thursday, 8 May, 7 - 8.30 pm, 8 weeks/12 hrs, £ 205

B1 Polish State Exam Preparation – two parts

B2 Preparation Course, Part 1: Tuesday, 4 March, 7 - 8.30 pm, 8 weeks/12 hrs, £ 205

B2 Preparation Course, Part 2: Tuesday, 6 May, 7 - 8.30 pm, 8 weeks/12 hrs, £ 205


Both B1 and B2 Polish State Exam Preparation Courses consist of two parts - 8 weeks each. They are designed to equip candidates with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in the Polish State Certificate Examination.

📌 Part 1: Foundation & Skill-Building
These courses focus on identifying and addressing gaps in grammar, vocabulary, and language flexibility. They provide a solid foundation to enhance overall language proficiency and prepare for exam-focused training.

📌 Part 2: Exam-Focused Training
These courses are dedicated to exam techniques and strategy, including practice with past exam papers, mock exams, and simulations of all four components: writing, speaking, listening, grammar and reading comprehension.

Both courses ensure thorough grammar and vocabulary coverage, familiarisation with the exam format, and targeted practice to help students achieve success.

Components of the exam

  • listening comprehension
  • accuracy/grammar in use
  • reading comprehension
  • writing
  • speaking

State Examination's date

21 and 22 June 2025 (Saturday and Sunday)

Levels: B1, B2

The State Certificate Examinations in Polish as a Foreign Language are part of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). They target foreigners and Polish citizens who live outside Poland and may be willing to document their knowledge of the Polish language to apply for a citizenship or to access higher education. Such certification may also become useful when applying for jobs in business, health or the civil sector.

Polword is the only accredeted centre in the UK to conduct official State Examinations in Polish. 

Registration process

To register your interest in taking a Polish State Certificate Exam you need to:


Register now!

Structure of the Exam

The levels of examination correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) - levels from A1 (trashold)  to C2 (native) 

The examinations consist of five parts and in each part you need to score at least 50% to pass each element (B1) and at least 60% (B2). To give you an idea of the exam itself, see the descriptions below (regards level B1 - C2) to find out the kinds of questions you may be asked.

  • Reading Comprehension The candidate is required to carefully read several texts and highlight or answer a set of questions regarding them to measure the level of your understanding
  • Listening ComprehensionThe candidate is required to listen to a recording during which they are asked to select the correct response, fill the gaps or answer some open questions
  • Accuracy / Grammar in Use The candidate needs to recognise and select right answer or develop and write down a response. In this part the focus is on grammar and the practical use of the right form to respond
  • WritingThe candidate selects a set of questions and writes texts according to the instructions. Themes are formulated in such way that they do not require specialised knowledge but test the writing ability
  • Speaking­ The candidate is asked to develop oral responses, basing on variety of graphical and textual materials. There is three clusters to choose from, each comprising of two or three questions answered in front of the commission

Duration of the Exam

 Duration of exams varies depending on the level and increases accordingly as presented in the table below:


Examination duration


No more than 160 minutes


No more than 190 minutes


No more than 250 minutes


No more than 250 minutes


No more than 290 minutes

Examinaiton Fees

The examinations are fee-based without exceeding the maximum amount for the exam at a given proficiency level as set by the legislator:

  • €90 – exams A1-B2 for children and youth
  • €120 – levels A1, A2 for adults
  • €150 – levels B1, B2 for adults
  • €180 – levels C1, C2 for adults
  • €20 – issuing the certificate

The fee is accepted as the equivalent of euros in British pounds.

The exact fee, according to Article 11g of the Act Amending the Act on the Polish Language, is calculated based on the EUR conversion rate on the last day of the month preceding the registration date. 

Sample excercises and exams

You can assess your level and progress by taking one of the past papers available on the official Polish State Certification Examinations website:

If you wish, you can practice your skills and match your responses with the answers provided at the back pages of the paper. To access these sample exercises and test your skills, please visit:

Who can take the exam

Foreigners or Polish citizens residing permanently abroad who are 18 ore more on the examination day

Practical tips for candidates

In order to be allowed to sit the exam, you must arrive on time according to the official schedule. This gives you time to settle and thus increases your chances for success.

You will come into the room at your designated time according to the order on the official register

Prior to entering the exam room, it is important that you have a proof of your ID with a photo (passport, national identity card or a driving license)

During the exam you must be silent and you cannot communicate with your peers, use of correction pens and pencils is prohibited. You cannot leave the room nor your seat until allowed to do so

Students must only fill in the answers in the space provided

Useful Information (in Polish only)